Local Solutions to World Hunger That Directly Empower Farmers
The 10 step Sustainable Agriculture Kit (SAK) franchise model that has already impacted 272,000 rural peoples -- YouTube video by Manish Raizada (posted Dec 28, 2024)
Farmpedia: The Encyclopedia for Small Scale Farmers (226 Chapters) (Founder and Editor: Manish Raizada) -- More than 200 practical solutions to solve hunger, with practical tips and critical analysis -- written for governments, aid agencies and farmer organizations
Sustainable Agriculture Kit Film (19 min) - by David Borish
Plain language background to challenges and solutions for the world's 2 billion people who rely on subsistence farming -- to reduce hunger, poverty and hardship (written by Manish Raizada):

raizada_2017_challenges_solutions_subsistence_farming.pdf | |
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Plain language article on challenges and recommendations for global aid agencies on how they can help the world's small scale farmers following a natural disaster (written by Tejendra Chapagain and Manish Raizada) (52,000 views as of 2024):

chapagain_raizada_2017_agric_food_security_esak_disaster.pdf | |
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Plain language article on challenges and recommendations for organizations trying to help the 300 million rural peoples who rely on terrace and hillside agriculture (written by Tejendra Chapagain and Manish Raizada) (50,000 views and downloads as of 2024):

chapagain_and_raizada_2017_frontiers_in_plant_science_terrace_farming_review.pdf | |
File Size: | 537 kb |
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Plain language article on the contributions of African crops to Western diets and culture (written by Emily Sousa and Manish Raizada) (47,000 views and downloads as of 2024):

sousa_and_raizada_2020_frontiers_african_crops.pdf | |
File Size: | 4836 kb |
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Sustainable Agriculture Kit Picture Books - More than 150 free picture based lessons to assist in the training of low literacy small scale farmers (Manish Raizada, with illustrations by L. Jay Smith)
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