Raizada Lab Videos and Podcasts
Posted Dec 28, 2024 - The 10 Step Sustainable Agriculture Kit (SAK) Model - YouTube video by Manish Raizada
Sustainable Agriculture Kit project videos of simple technologies and practices to help small scale farmers (prepared by LI-BIRD) - SAKGlobal YouTube Channel
Dec 1, 2023 - Manish Raizada appeared as himself in the Documentary Series "Deadly Science" (Episode 4) to explain the life and work of botanist Nicolai Vavilov who theorized the existence of centers of crop domestication. Streaming on Super Channel and Amazon Prime. Nominated for Best Documentary Series at the Shanghai International TV Festival.
Dec 1, 2023 - See the Sustainable Agriculture Kit full film from 2017 by David Borish which includes Manish Raizada and Roshan Pudasaini and colleagues and farmers from Nepal.
Jan 26, 2023 - Manish Raizada was featured in an Organic BC podcast with interviewer Jordan Marr, entitled, "The Biopesticides are Coming!". Listen here.
Jan 19, 2023 - Manish Raizada was featured in an Organic BC podcast with interviewer Jordan Marr, entitled, "The Biofertilizers are Coming!". Listen here.
July 17-18, 2022 - Manish Raizada was featured on BBC World Service The Climate Question, in an episode entitled "Can we feed the world without using chemical fertilizer?" BBC World Service English has a global audience of 81 million people weekly. Available as a podcast here and on Apple.
July 6, 2022 - Manish Raizada was invited by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) to speak to member nations about biofertilizers in a seminar entitled "Sound Fertilization for Food Security in the Context of the Current Crisis" which can be viewed here.
April 28, 2022 - Manish Raizada featured in the Between the Rows podcast about nitrogen fixing microbes in the context of greenhouse gas emissions, entitled, "Managing microbes, curbing climate gases" with host Robert Arnason from Western Producer magazine. You can listen to it here or on Apple.
June 26, 2021 - Manish Raizada described our discovery that corn silks possess
a complex microbiome on CBC Radio Show Quirks and Quarks (800,000 audience):
May 26, 2021 - Manish Raizada was invited by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and IFA to present a global webcast on microbial biofertilizers for smallholder farmers.
Mar 25, 2021 - Manish Raizada was invited by the International Fertilizer Association (IFA, Paris) to co-present a podcast on nitrogen fixing microbes for cereal crops for its global members
Prof. Raizada's webinar hosted by Agricultural Scientists for Africa and UM6P to promote collaboration with and amongst African agricultural scientists - July 2020
Meet Prof. Raizada - YouTube video 2016
YouTube Videos about the SAKNepal project by videographer David Borish
YouTube Videos from the Canadian Youth Agrifood Trade Ambassadors (CYAFTA) initiative, by Guelph undergraduate students, started by Prof. Raizada
Prof. Raizada introduces the concept of probiotics for crops (University of Guelph SPARK) - YouTube
Prof. Raizada feature interview on CBC Radio Quirks and Quarks (800,000 listeners) about the discovery by lab member Walaa Mousa of a probiotic microbe that combats Fusarium crop disease (Podcast) (2016)
Prof. Raizada lecture at the Emerging Technologies for Global Food Security Conference in Saskatoon (2016) about improving biological nitrogen fixation and Sustainable Agriculture Kits- YouTube
Prof. Raizada introduces the use of microbial diagnostic biosensors for nitrogen (University of Guelph SPARK) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=viqCGvUDdYQ
Prof. Raizada lecture at the University of Guelph on Sustainable Agriculture Kits - YouTube (2016)
Prof. Raizada discusses the science behind GMOs on The Agenda with Steve Paikin, TV Ontario (2015) (100,000 TV viewers)
Raizada Lab featured on CBC The National (1 million TV viewers) - YouTube
--coming soon
Prof. Raizada discusses simple technologies that could change the world in a special episode of CBC Radio Quirks and Quarks that was awarded a UNESCO award for science reporting (starts at minute 44.25) (2011)
Posted Dec 28, 2024 - The 10 Step Sustainable Agriculture Kit (SAK) Model - YouTube video by Manish Raizada
Sustainable Agriculture Kit project videos of simple technologies and practices to help small scale farmers (prepared by LI-BIRD) - SAKGlobal YouTube Channel
Dec 1, 2023 - Manish Raizada appeared as himself in the Documentary Series "Deadly Science" (Episode 4) to explain the life and work of botanist Nicolai Vavilov who theorized the existence of centers of crop domestication. Streaming on Super Channel and Amazon Prime. Nominated for Best Documentary Series at the Shanghai International TV Festival.
Dec 1, 2023 - See the Sustainable Agriculture Kit full film from 2017 by David Borish which includes Manish Raizada and Roshan Pudasaini and colleagues and farmers from Nepal.
Jan 26, 2023 - Manish Raizada was featured in an Organic BC podcast with interviewer Jordan Marr, entitled, "The Biopesticides are Coming!". Listen here.
Jan 19, 2023 - Manish Raizada was featured in an Organic BC podcast with interviewer Jordan Marr, entitled, "The Biofertilizers are Coming!". Listen here.
July 17-18, 2022 - Manish Raizada was featured on BBC World Service The Climate Question, in an episode entitled "Can we feed the world without using chemical fertilizer?" BBC World Service English has a global audience of 81 million people weekly. Available as a podcast here and on Apple.
July 6, 2022 - Manish Raizada was invited by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) to speak to member nations about biofertilizers in a seminar entitled "Sound Fertilization for Food Security in the Context of the Current Crisis" which can be viewed here.
April 28, 2022 - Manish Raizada featured in the Between the Rows podcast about nitrogen fixing microbes in the context of greenhouse gas emissions, entitled, "Managing microbes, curbing climate gases" with host Robert Arnason from Western Producer magazine. You can listen to it here or on Apple.
June 26, 2021 - Manish Raizada described our discovery that corn silks possess
a complex microbiome on CBC Radio Show Quirks and Quarks (800,000 audience):
May 26, 2021 - Manish Raizada was invited by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and IFA to present a global webcast on microbial biofertilizers for smallholder farmers.
Mar 25, 2021 - Manish Raizada was invited by the International Fertilizer Association (IFA, Paris) to co-present a podcast on nitrogen fixing microbes for cereal crops for its global members
Prof. Raizada's webinar hosted by Agricultural Scientists for Africa and UM6P to promote collaboration with and amongst African agricultural scientists - July 2020
Meet Prof. Raizada - YouTube video 2016
YouTube Videos about the SAKNepal project by videographer David Borish
YouTube Videos from the Canadian Youth Agrifood Trade Ambassadors (CYAFTA) initiative, by Guelph undergraduate students, started by Prof. Raizada
Prof. Raizada introduces the concept of probiotics for crops (University of Guelph SPARK) - YouTube
Prof. Raizada feature interview on CBC Radio Quirks and Quarks (800,000 listeners) about the discovery by lab member Walaa Mousa of a probiotic microbe that combats Fusarium crop disease (Podcast) (2016)
Prof. Raizada lecture at the Emerging Technologies for Global Food Security Conference in Saskatoon (2016) about improving biological nitrogen fixation and Sustainable Agriculture Kits- YouTube
Prof. Raizada introduces the use of microbial diagnostic biosensors for nitrogen (University of Guelph SPARK) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=viqCGvUDdYQ
Prof. Raizada lecture at the University of Guelph on Sustainable Agriculture Kits - YouTube (2016)
Prof. Raizada discusses the science behind GMOs on The Agenda with Steve Paikin, TV Ontario (2015) (100,000 TV viewers)
Raizada Lab featured on CBC The National (1 million TV viewers) - YouTube
--coming soon
Prof. Raizada discusses simple technologies that could change the world in a special episode of CBC Radio Quirks and Quarks that was awarded a UNESCO award for science reporting (starts at minute 44.25) (2011)